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Communication 3G, multiplexingBy : Sankalp - 11-Apr-2018 
What is Frequency Hopping? Explain Frequency Hopped Multiple Access? Which Generation uses this multiplexing or multiple access technology?
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As the word “Hop” means jumping. Frequency hopping is a multiple access technique in which the data or information signal is send from sender to receiver using different-different carrier frequencies. Suppose an information signal is being sent using frequency hopped multiple access, then the information signal is being braked into bauds and then these bauds are sent to receiver using different-different career frequencies.
This is very efficient and very fast technique because:-
(1) Using Frequency Hopped Multiple Access we can able to send the whole information using different carrier frequencies at the same time.
(2) The efficiency of utility and usability of bandwidth is increased because at a time multiple channels, bands are available to send the data.
Frequency Hopped multiple access is a MIMO (Multi In Multi Out) technique, in which multi data is being sent to their respective receivers using various range of frequencies. The data which needs to send is multiplexed in such a way that the different bauds or packets or data bits can be sent using different frequencies of multiple users.

This technique is widely used in 3G communications.