Nagman Instruments and Electronics Pvt Ltd Suppliers
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Nagman, an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company was established in the year 1972 started manufacturing RTD / TC sensors, moved on to pioneer the concept of Portable Calibrators for Temperature, Pressure & Signal selling over 50,000 so far.
Nagman, expanding on their technical expertise on portables, developed Calibration Work Stations / Test Benches – Primary & Secondary Standard Calibration Test Benches, Temperature Calibration Test Benches, Electrical & Electronics Calibration Test Benches, Multifunction/Multi-parameter Calibration Test Bench Workstations and Computer Aided Calibration Systems – comparable in design, performance, features and accuracies to reputed/established International brands. Have supplied more than 1,500 Test Benches to major industries in India & Worldwide.